FOIL AND CO SAS, a French company with a capital of 110 250,00 €, represented by Mr. Tanguy LE BIHAN, and whose French head office is located in Pencran (29800), ZAE Correquer.

  • Registered at the RCS of Brest under number 822 822 615
  • VAT number : FR23822822615
  • Siret number : 82282261500032
  • APE Code: 7112B Engineering, technical studies

Responsible for publication: Mr. Tanguy LE BIHAN, representative of the company FOIL AND CO.

Contact: [email protected]

Design, production and hosting

Design and graphic creation : Foil and Co

Director: Vlad Zamari

Hosting: OVH – registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under the number: Lille Metropole B 424 761 419, whose headquarters are located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX, with VAT number FR22424761419

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