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What are windfoil shims for?


1. Réglage de l’assiette du flotteur avec une cale windfoil
Today, shims are an integral part of your foil quiver. There are two possibilities for their use:
  • Float trim adjustment
  • constant pressure setting

Adjusting float trim with a windfoil shim

The first adjustment the windfoil shim can make is the float trim position in flight. A float that is nose down is a float whose nose will dive forward. A nose-up float is one whose nose is more likely to point upwards. In these cases, a shim at the front or rear of the wing will optimize the overall attitude during flight. If I put a shim at the front, it will lower the leading edge of the wing, which will return to its line as it flies. This movement means that the nose of the board will rise. Conversely, a shim at the rear of the front wing on a windfoil will return to its line and the nose of the board will drop.

Constant downforce adjustment with windfoil shim

Adding a shim to the stabilizer will intervene when there’s a problem with constant support, i.e. my board constantly wants to get out of the water. We therefore have a problem of overpowering the stabilizer. At this point, we need to place a shim at the rear of the stabilizer. We’re going to release the stabilizer to give it a slightly more negative incidence and rebalance the phenomenon. Inversely, you can have a foil that is very rearfooted. In other words, it flies but I have to put a lot of pressure on my rear leg. At this point, we place a shim at the front of the stabilizer. We’re going to put some kick into it, and this phenomenon will influence the lift.


So, to conclude:
  • adding a shim to the stabilizer is really useful when you have constant up and down movement.
  • The addition of a shim on the front wing is useful when you feel uncomfortable due to a given position being too low or too high.
Read our complete guide to getting started with windfoil.
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